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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Column #10 - Mary Smith

Mary Smith
By Amy Witt

All of you know my love for books, so when my now dear friend, Kathleen from Books off Main asked me to read Growing Up The First Time… I was soo excited! Kathleen gave me a little insight on this book but words could not describe how amazing this book really is and our local author who wrote it.
            Growing Up The First Time is an amazingly, beautifully, extraordinary, biography about Mary Smith and her 3 other sibling’s childhood. Growing up in Shanghai with irresponsible parents, living with grandparents that reeked of money which came along with a crazy out-of-control grandmother who thought she was queen of the world and a wonderful understanding grandfather. Her compelling story creates a picture of a young girl in 1943, at 15 years old spent 7 months in a Japanese prison camp in Shanghai, China. This book describes the emotional, fun and good memories, as well as, all the struggles she faced that helped her become the strong inspiring woman she is today!
            I was so honored when I had the opportunity to sit down and visit with Mary. At 83 years young, she is beautiful, healthy, hilarious, and has a personality that is soo intoxicating you can’t help but want to hear more. Mary was born in New York City in 1928; an educated woman with a Bachelors Degree in English from the Immaculate Heart College in Los Angeles. It took Mary about 6 months to complete Growing Up The First Time and it was mainly written for her family. In 2011, her dear friend Marilyn Lyons sold Growing Up The First Time to Heritage Books. Marilyn was the drive to publish this book even though Mary refused the idea many times.  Not only is it sold at Books Off Main, it is also for sale at Amazon.com. Mary describes herself as a compulsive scribbler but I see her as an inspiration, an artist, and an out-of- this world talented author.  Being with Mary not only educated me but I felt happy, motivated, and inspired to become a better writer. 
            Besides writing, Mary is dedicated to exercising with her trainer, Sharon Hall, who is also the owner of Olympic Gym…and let me tell you at 83, she has muscles and a body of a 40 year old! Currently she is written the completion of her story which I will be waiting impatiently for.      
Today Mary will be having a book signing for Growing Up The First Time from 1:00-3:00 P.M. at Books Off Main at 27 E. Oak Ave. I encourage everyone in Porterville to support our local author and read this impeccably written, page-turning, biography that will not leave you disappointed!

My interview actually included not only the interview but Mary taking me to lunch and then I had the opportunity to go to her home. She showed me the original book which as you can see is above.
It is very thick and it's appearance is beautiful...especially inside the way the papers are, the font, and the way the pictures are set-up...also the title Blood is Thicker Than Water, was actually a joke poking fun of her racist grandma who didn't want the children to play with the other children.
This opportunity was grand and I know Mary and I will remain dear friends!
I am off to Reeennooooo!!
Love ya!

"What I like in a good author is not what he says, but what he whispers."  Logan Pearsall Smith-1931


  1. so cool you got to see the original book!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great interview with Mary Smith.....I will have to go to Books off Main next time I am in Porterville.....you guys white light and be safe in Reno..love aunt dana

  4. sounds like you had a great time with Mary Smith and oooh I would love to see her home haha
